right-choiceIf becoming a certified divorce coach is something you have been thinking about – let me give you a few more reasons for thinking about it even harder about enrolling right now for our Aug/Sept – December classes!

  • January and February are the months in which the most divorces are initiated in the US. Wouldn’t you like to be poised to step forward and claim your clients at that time?
  • In January 2017 we are also increasing out prices for classes to reflect an increased number of hours that the course will be approved for. You may want to enroll before the price increase goes into effect!
  • We are also in the process of planning a number of collaborative initiatives for 2017 and these are open only to CDC Certified Divorce Coaches. For example, a group of 10 coaches collaborated this year on writing a book entitledDivorce: Taking the High Road – Simple Strategies for Creating a Healthy Divorce.  And we will be planning a number of opportunities for interested coaches to spring board from this book launch and engage with individuals in this conversation about “Taking the High Road”.

In 2012, Geoff Williams said in an article published by Reuters:

“Just as the 1990s brought the rise of life coaches, the new millennium is the age of the divorce coach.”

Professional-career-divorce coachEvery year we collaborate on some project which both helps raise the visibility of divorce coaching and also provides each participating coach the ability to build their coaching practice.

Join us for the upcoming class which starts next week!  We still have space available in the evening classes and the Wednesday 3 – 5 pm ET.

  • BONUS: Another incentive for you to register within the this week as we hold our Orientation Sessions, is the bonus Hands-On Business Development Library of Materials, Templates, and Guidelines – an additional value of $297.

We are coming down to the wire for enrollment in the September – December 2016 classes. Orientation is being held this week.  Classes start next week.

What are you waiting for? Isn’t it time to start your new future now!

Contact me for a Pre-Enrollment Call through my online calendar.

Or contact me directly through 813-455-1134 or 813-884-9511.

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