Recently one of our CDC® Divorce Coaches, Jacqui Atcheson, wrote an insightful article detailing why “It’s Time For A Professional Divorce Coach” (you can read it here). In this article Jacqui detailed 3 reasons why everyone should add a divorce coach into their divorce support team and they were so good we decided to share them with you here as well.

3 Reasons To Hire A CDC® Certified Divorce Coach:

1. A CDC® coach helps reduce the trauma so a client can recover more easily.
2. A CDC® coach helps make the divorce process a little kinder and gentler, especially when there are minor children involved.
3. A CDC® coach offers a safe harbor from the divorce storm by providing a safe, supportive, non-judgmental, and patient process, while helping the client to gain their own clarity and confidence to manage their way forward.

Jacqui also included statistics we provided on what type of different professional backgrounds become divorce coaches:

* Twenty percent (20%) of the CDC® coaches are Family Lawyers.
* Twenty percent (20%) of the CDC® coaches are Psychologists and Therapists of various descriptions.
* Twenty percent (20%) are a combination of non-lawyer mediators and financial professionals such as: CPAs and other divorce financial professionals.
* The remaining forty percent (40%) are a diverse group, including, medical doctors, retired nurses, educators, clergy members, and others.

CDC® offers dual certification as both a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® and CDC Divorce Transition and Recovery Coach® – a federally registered certification mark, registered in the U.S., Canada, and in the U.K., that provides assurance for clients that the CDC Certified Divorce Coach® and CDC Divorce Transition and Recovery Coach® certifications represent the best in personal divorce coaching, speaks to your credibility as a personal divorce coach and differentiates you from others calling themselves divorce coaches.

Join us for a free webinar to learn how to leverage your experience to integrate divorce coaching into what you do, or to create a separate stream of income in addition to what you are currently doing. Our next planned webinar is on Monday, December 7th and is “Making Better Decisions – Being a More Credible Client.”
Find out more information here

To find out more about becoming a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® visit this page for more information or schedule a call with one of the co-founders today.
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