Congratulations to the 10 CDC Certified Divorce Coaches who stepped up to create a book on taking the high road in divorce.

divorcetther01front300Our book Divorce: Taking the High Road – Simple Strategies for Creating a Healthy Divorce provides concrete and specific steps in each chapter to help those divorcing overcome the challenges that will derail you from the high road.

This conversation about taking the high road in divorce is at the core of our Divorce Coach Training Program.  As we move into the New Year we will be organizing multiple ways of  spreading awareness of this important conversation. Right now you can get 21 Days of Free Support via email with Day-by-Day Practices for Taking the High Road by visiting

The coaches interviewed for this book all come from a variety of backgrounds: including mediator, therapist, coach, attorney, educator, stay-at-home mom, chaplain, film-maker, and coach trainer.  This means they might serve different clients and focus on diverse ways of defining healthy divorce based on their client needs. As one of our attorney reviewers said: “…This unique book exemplifies one of the very tenets of divorce coaching itself – to get multiple points of view!”

I was thrilled to be able to participate in the creation of the book and to see all the ways that these professionals help their clients take the high road and change the face of divorce!

I would also be so grateful to you if you would take advantage of the 99 cent Kindle book available for a limited time.  Download it for less than a dollar, read through the chapters and then come back and tell us what you think of it by leaving a review on the Amazon site. Of course we want a glowing review and I also want you to remember what would have you click on the BUY button as you peruse the book listings.

We will keep you posted on the opportunities to participate in exploring Taking the High Road – Simple Strategies for Creating a Healthy Divorce.

Thank you for your support!

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